Magic Book of Record

A Unit of


B Beviston Journalist Tamil Nadu
B. Beviston is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “BEST JOURNALIST AWARD”
December 28, 2021
Pritam Kumar Jha Poet Uttar Pradesh
Pritam Kumar Jha is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD -2021” as the title of “BEST POET AWARD”
December 28, 2021
B Beviston Journalist Tamil Nadu
B. Beviston is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “BEST JOURNALIST AWARD”
December 28, 2021
Pritam Kumar Jha Poet Uttar Pradesh
Pritam Kumar Jha is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD -2021” as the title of “BEST POET AWARD”
December 28, 2021

Prof. Satish Kumar Sharma is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC LEADER AWARD”

Prof Satish Sharma Magic Book of Record
Satish Kumar Sharma is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER'S AWARD -2021” as the title of “DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC LEADER AWARD” by Magic Book of Records on 2nd November, 2021, for his contribution in the field of Pharmaceutical Education & Research.

Biography & Achievements of Prof. (Dr.) Satish Kumar Sharma

Prof. Satish Sharma is an eminent academician, a renowned scientist, a visionary leader and an administrator with a human touch. Currently, Prof. Sharma is working as the Pro Vice-Chancellor at Glocal University, Saharanpur, UP. He has also been assigned as the Dean, School of Pharmacy, Glocal University. During his illustrious career spanning more than three decades Prof. Sharma has served at various positions viz. Vice Chancellor, Glocal University; Professor and Director at Sunder Deep Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, Professor and Principal at Lloyd institute of Management & Technology, Greater Noida. Prof. Sharma has also served as associated faculty at DIPSAR, Delhi University. He has also served as the Chairperson, Academic Committee, Sunder Deep Group of Institutions (the largest technical campus in Delhi-NCR). Currently he is the Chairman, CEGR Pharmacy Council and National President, Pharmaceutical Educational Society. Prof. Sharma is the consultant in yoga and alternative medicine. He has conducted more than 50 yoga & meditation workshops and about 100 health camps in rural areas. Prof. Sharma has delivered more than 100 lectures on scientific spirituality. He has more than 30 years of fabulous experience in academics and research. Dr. Sharma completed his B. Pharm from DIPSAR (Delhi University). He earned his M. Pharm (Pharmacology) degree from DIPSAR (Delhi University) with a Gold Medal. He obtained his Ph.D. degree from Mahatma Jyoti Rao Phoole University, Jaipur. He has served as the member, LOC, 60th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress, New Delhi; Co-chairman, LOC (Medical Services) at 65th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Delhi NCR; nominated as the Co-chairman, IPGA (Academic Division); Chairman, organizing committee, India Pharma convention (National Conference), held at DIPSAR, Delhi University; Chairperson, Organizing Committee, National Seminar organized in association with IPGA Welfare Trust, at SDPC, Ghaziabad; Chairman, organizing committee, National Conference held in association with IHPA; Co-chairman, LOC (Medical Services), 70th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress held at Delhi NCR. Prof. Sharma has played a key role in many revolutionary movements for the upliftment of the pharmacy profession. He has also given important suggestions to AICTE for making necessary amendments in pharmacy institutes approval norms. Prof. Sharma has also advocated for the introduction of ‘Human Values & professional Ethics’ subject in the AKTU (previously UPTU) curriculum. He has also played a key role in revising the PCI Education regulation 1991.
Prof. Sharma is an innovative, visionary, dynamic, energetic, disciplined leader/mentor with a positive attitude. He is passionate about inculcation of human values and professional ethics among faculty and students. His mission statement is ‘To produce technically sound and morally strong professionals, so as to serve the society and the Nation as a whole’. Dr. Sharma firmly believes that only the thought revolution can bring peace and prosperity on earth and accordingly his all thoughts & actions are oriented towards spreading positive thoughts with positive energy.
Dr Satish Sharma has the unique distinction of being an expert/specialist in 12 different scientific/health disciplines viz. Pharmacology, Anatomy, Physiology, Pathophysiology, Pharmacovigilance, Nutraceuticals, Herbal Medicine, Naturopathy, Yoga & Meditation, Human Values & Professional Ethics, Spiritual Sciences and Alternative Medicine.
During the both COVID-19 waves, Prof Sharma as Vice Chancellor successfully monitored and supervised the 400 bedded COVID HOSPITAL at Glocal Medical College Superspeciality Hospital & Research Centre. Thanks to his dynamic leadership and societal concern as well as the untiring efforts of his dedicated health care team, all 750 COVID+ patients admitted in the Hospital regained their normal health. During his tenure as Vice Chancellor, his dedicated team of Glocal University prepared and distributed immunity boosters, masks and sanitizers in the 10 villages of Saharanpur district. Dr. Sharma has delivered health talks in various TV shows- CNNIBN and Pragya Channel. He has participated in more than 100 national and international conferences as a resource person. He has handled research projects in collaboration with prestigious research institutes such as All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi; Artemis Heart Institute, Gurugram; Biotech Park, Lucknow; DRDO, New Delhi; and Institute of Toxicology, Ghaziabad. He has published 110 research papers/ articles in referred National/International journals and abstract books. He has authored 2 books and 6 book chapters. He has guided many M. Pharm and Ph.D researchers. Prof. Sharma has delivered many invited talks/FDP and PDP sessions on important topics such as: Time Management, Essence of Teaching, Yoga and Holistic Personality, Stress Management, Human Values and Professional Ethics, Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Education, Research Methodology, Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Nutraceuticals etc. at various National/International forums. He is reviewer and advisor of many national and international journals. He is editorial board member of many journals. As a life member he has been actively associated with many professional societies viz; Indian Pharmaceutical Association, IPGA, IHPA, APTI, SPER and CEGR.
During his illustrious career Prof. Sharma has received many national and international awards viz; Best Athlete award, COP, Delhi University; academic excellence award conferred by Indian Pharmaceutical Association; award of excellence conferred by Johnson & Johnson Ltd.; award of appreciation by Magsaysay award winner Dr. Kiran Bedi for rendering dedicated health services at Tihar Ashram; outstanding paper presentation award; best research paper award by International Journal of Drug Development; best research paper award by Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Research; Shiksha Gaurav Award conferred by CEGR; Innovative Academic Leader Award 2017 presented by Global Skill Foundation; Academic Excellence Award conferred by SDGI; Best Pharmacy College Award by Center for Education Growth and Research; IAECT International award (Distinguished Educator Award 2020); Global Teaching Excellence Award:2021; Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing by a prestigious International journal and Pharma Recognition Award for outstanding contribution towards pharmacy education and research.
His areas of research interest include: Phytopharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology and Cardiovascular Pharmacology. Role of herbs and nutraceuticals in the management of cardiovascular and gastrointestinal disorders.