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February 14, 2022Dr. Manish Kumar Jaisal is awarded “Teaching Excellency Award”
Dr. Manish Kumar Jaisal is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER'S AWARD - 2022” as the title of “Teaching Excellency Award” by Magic Book of Records on 2nd February, 2022, for his outstanding contribution in the field of Education and Teaching Skills. It has been recorded in Magic Book of Record.
Dr. Manish Teaches Film making and film studies, Photography, Modern India and the international world, aspects of Indian culture, Hindi, Photojournalism. he has presented more than 30 research papers and more than 35 research papers published in national and international journals, Books & Magazine. His Book title 'FILMON KA ANJUMAN:
MUZAFFAR ALI' Published in 2018. His article on contemporary issues Published in ICHOWK, JANSATTA, HINDUSTAN, etc.
Dr. Manish Kumar Jaisal is currently working as Assistant Professor, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, ITM University, Gwalior. He has worked as Head & Assistant professor, Mandsaur University, Mandsaur and Gyanarthi Media College Kashipur. From Oct 2018 to Aug 2021. Dr. Manish has received his PhD in Film and Drama studies (Performing Arts) from Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi university Wardha. He also holds M.Phil. Degree in film and Drama Studies. Dr. Manish has received his MA in journalism and mass communication from BBAU Lucknow, MA in political science from IGNOU, MA in sociology From Uttrakhand open university. He has passed PG Diploma in Rural Development, Arts and Aesthetics, Electronic Media & Film Production. He has been awarded Ambedkar Bhagat Singh Media Fellowship by TISS Mumbai, Research Fellowship By UNESCO Sahapedia New Delhi and Nehru Museum and Library Book Fellowship by NMML New Delhi.Dr. Manish Teaches Film making and film studies, Photography, Modern India and the international world, aspects of Indian culture, Hindi, Photojournalism. he has presented more than 30 research papers and more than 35 research papers published in national and international journals, Books & Magazine. His Book title 'FILMON KA ANJUMAN:
MUZAFFAR ALI' Published in 2018. His article on contemporary issues Published in ICHOWK, JANSATTA, HINDUSTAN, etc.