Dr. M.Vidhyalakshmi is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021″ as the title of “INNOVATION IN EDUCATION AWARD”
July 26, 2021
Arpita Das is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD”
July 26, 2021Dr. Kshma Swarnkar is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR AWARD”

Dr. KSHMA SWARNKAR is awarded "BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021" as the title of "WOMEN ENTREPRENEUR AWARD” by MAGIC BOOK OF RECORDS on June 29, 2021, in the field of Education as Co-founder of e-Gurukul, Excellence of Learning.