Magic Book of Record

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smruti smita mohapatra magic book of record
DR. SMRUTI SMITA MOHAPATRA is awarded “Best Achiever Award – 2021” as the title of “BEST YOUNG ACHIEVER AWARD” by Magic Book of Record.
April 29, 2021
Rashmirekha Kalyani Mishra- Magic Book of Record
Rashmirekha Kalyani Mishra has set a new record as “WRITTEN MAXIMUM LIMERICK IN JUST 15 WORDS EACH” by Magic Book of Record.
May 3, 2021
smruti smita mohapatra magic book of record
DR. SMRUTI SMITA MOHAPATRA is awarded “Best Achiever Award – 2021” as the title of “BEST YOUNG ACHIEVER AWARD” by Magic Book of Record.
April 29, 2021
Rashmirekha Kalyani Mishra- Magic Book of Record
Rashmirekha Kalyani Mishra has set a new record as “WRITTEN MAXIMUM LIMERICK IN JUST 15 WORDS EACH” by Magic Book of Record.
May 3, 2021

Dr ARJUN PARTHASARATHY is awarded “Best Achiever Award – 2021” as the title of “EXCELLENCE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION AWARD” by Magic Book of Record.

Dr ARJUN PARTHASARATHY- Magic Book of Record
We are glad to record our honor for Dr ARJUN PARTHASARATHY, who is a Humanitarian and specialized in "Improving Global Health: Focusing Quality and Safety" from Harvard University. Most importantly, motivates people, inspired a lot of people he met to live their life as skilful and self-satisfied. He feels very happy and contented when he realizes it. You have a best social personality with outstanding performance and dedication to hard work.
Magic Book of Record conferred Dr ARJUN PARTHASARATHY is awarded "Best Achiever Award - 2021" as the title of “EXCELLENCE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION AWARD” on 22nd April 2021.


Dr ARJUN PARTHASARATHY is by professionally a Doctor. He has pursued a course on improving Global Health: Focusing Quality and safety from Harvard University.