Dr Arvind Mishra Microbiologist Gujarat
Dr. Arvind Mishra is awarded “Best Microbiologist Award”
August 10, 2022
Mahiuddin Ziaul Hoque Darrang
Mahiuddin Ziaul Hoque is awarded Honorary Doctorate Award
August 23, 2022
Dr Arvind Mishra Microbiologist Gujarat
Dr. Arvind Mishra is awarded “Best Microbiologist Award”
August 10, 2022
Mahiuddin Ziaul Hoque Darrang
Mahiuddin Ziaul Hoque is awarded Honorary Doctorate Award
August 23, 2022

Mrs. Sapna (Palak Beauty Parlour) is awarded “Best Beautician Award”

Palak Beauty Parlour Ballabgarh
Mrs. Sapna (Palak Beauty Parlour) is awarded “Best Achiever’s Award - 2022” as the title of “Best Beautician Award” by Magic Book of Records on 27th July, 2022, for her outstanding contribution in the field of Cosmetology. It has been recorded in Magic Book of Record.

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