Marina Das is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “LITTLE BEST MODEL AWARD”
October 6, 2021
Arun Patra is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “BEST SINGER AWARD”
October 8, 2021Medhansh Nilesh Bagul is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “YOUNGEST MULTITALENTED KID AWARD”

Medhansh Nilesh Bagul is awarded "BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021" as the title of “YOUNGEST MULTITALENTED KID AWARD” by Magic Book of Records on Sept 10, 2021, in the field of Editing, Magic, Playing Piano, Playing Cards, Playing Badminton, Reading and Writing.