Magic Book of Record

A Unit of


Best Magician in Hyderabad Telangana
Dr. BLN. Raju is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021″ as the title of “THE MULTI TALENTED MAGICIAN”
September 1, 2021
Rajbhar Sameer Dharmendra Gujarat
Rajbhar Sameer Dharmendra is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “EMERGING SINGER AWARD”
September 1, 2021
Best Magician in Hyderabad Telangana
Dr. BLN. Raju is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021″ as the title of “THE MULTI TALENTED MAGICIAN”
September 1, 2021
Rajbhar Sameer Dharmendra Gujarat
Rajbhar Sameer Dharmendra is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “EMERGING SINGER AWARD”
September 1, 2021

Dr. S.Prabakaran is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “Best HOD of the Year Award 2021”

Dr. S.Prabakaran Tamilnadu
Dr. S.Prabakaran is awarded "BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021" as the title of “Best HOD of the Year Award 2021” by MAGIC BOOK OF RECORDS on August 10, 2021, in the field of Education, Journalist & Researcher.


Dr. S.Prabakaran was born in Thiruvannamalai in the year 1972. He studied his school final at Govt. School, Tiruvannamalai. He did his Bachelor Degree at C. Abdul Hakeem College, Melvisharam; M.A (His) at Annamalai University, Chidambaram; M.Phil at PACHAIYAPPAS COLLEGE, Chennai; B.Ed at ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, Chidambaram; M.A (Sociology) at ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, Chidambaram; Ph.D (His) at University of Madras, Chennai. He is good Scholar, teacher and mentor. He received his Doctoral Degree from Hon. SURJITH SINGH BARNALA, the then Governor of TAMILNADU, in 2005.
Initially he has started his career in Media as News Reader and Comparer in 2000. It continued up to 2013 as News Reader in TV Channels like, POTHIGAI TV, Mega TV, and IMAYAM TV. In the year 2013, he got posting as Assistant Professor in AVVM Sri PUSHPAM COLLEGE (Autonomous), Poondi-613503, THANJAVUR, TAMILNADU.
In the year 2016, he has been elevated as HOD and continued till date. He has published 03 Books and 03 Proceedings with ISBN Number, 26 Research Papers in UGC approved journals, Guided 24 M.phil scholars, Organized 04 National Level Seminars and 02 National Level Symposiums, conducted 18 International Level Online Quiz Programmes and 14 Guest Lectures, etc. He has attended number of National and International Conferences/Seminars and presented his papers.