Nitin Athavle is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “BEST IN VALUE CHAIN ENGAGEMENT AWARD”
June 3, 2021Miss Lavya Khanna is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD- 2021” as the title of “BEST DANCER AWARD” by MAGIC BOOK OF RECORD.
June 4, 2021Dr. K. L Shunmuganathan is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD-2021” as the title of “BEST PRINCIPAL AND LEADERSHIP AWARD”
We are glad to record our honor for Dr. K.L Shunmuganathan, who is good innovative leadership in the field of Education as well as a Principal and good motivational speaker. He has achieved so many appreciations for his excellence works on teaching skill, good academic improvement, recognized supervisor, student’s welfare and discipline. He is a best social personality, outstanding performance and dedication to hard work.
Magic Book of Record conferred Dr. K.L Shunmuganathan is awarded "BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD - 2021" as the title of “BEST PRINCIPAL AND LEADERSHIP AWARD” on May 28, 2021.
He have 31 years of experience and 14 years of research experience, acting as recognized supervisor for Anna University, Sathyabama University, SRM University and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University for more than two decade in computer science field. His area of specialization is Artificial intelligence, Networks and DBMS. He have received grants from AICTE and from Industry for carrying out research projects and published more than 135 research publications in peer reviewed journals. He is having google scholar citation of 581, h-index of 13 and i10 index of 18. He is actively involved in the academic improvement, student’s welfare and discipline, Anna University Research Centre development, AICTE database updation, student’s placement program to AICTE, DST, CSIR, conducting value added course and staff monitoring and enhancement program.
He is a professional society life member in IE, ISTE, IAE and senior member in IACSIT and received Best Faculty award -2014-2015 by COGNIZANT, Prof. K. Arumugam National award for Innovative Research by Kumaraguru College of Technology.
Magic Book of Record conferred Dr. K.L Shunmuganathan is awarded "BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD - 2021" as the title of “BEST PRINCIPAL AND LEADERSHIP AWARD” on May 28, 2021.
Dr. K.L Shunmuganathan is presently working as Principal in Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology from 2019 to till date completed his graduation and post-graduation in computer science engineering, M.S software Systems from Bits, Pilani and Doctoral degree from Anna University. Started his carrier as lecturer and served in different position in Information Technology and in Computer science departments like Professor, Head of the Department and Principal and paved many mile stones. He served in various committees like Annual Magazine committee, Academic Improvement and Excellence, Tech club, Sports club as coordinator, Supervisor and Mentor and lead with much responsibility in a successful way. He has produced 9 Ph.D candidates under Anna University, 5 Ph.D candidates under Sathyabama University and 4 under Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.He have 31 years of experience and 14 years of research experience, acting as recognized supervisor for Anna University, Sathyabama University, SRM University and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University for more than two decade in computer science field. His area of specialization is Artificial intelligence, Networks and DBMS. He have received grants from AICTE and from Industry for carrying out research projects and published more than 135 research publications in peer reviewed journals. He is having google scholar citation of 581, h-index of 13 and i10 index of 18. He is actively involved in the academic improvement, student’s welfare and discipline, Anna University Research Centre development, AICTE database updation, student’s placement program to AICTE, DST, CSIR, conducting value added course and staff monitoring and enhancement program.
He is a professional society life member in IE, ISTE, IAE and senior member in IACSIT and received Best Faculty award -2014-2015 by COGNIZANT, Prof. K. Arumugam National award for Innovative Research by Kumaraguru College of Technology.