Magic Book of Record

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Pranesha Das-Classical Dancer-West Bengal-Magic Book of Record
Pranesha Das is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021″ as the title of “CLASSICAL DANCE AWARD”
July 28, 2021
Ms.D.Bhavani-Tamil Nadu-Magic Book of Record
Ms. D. Bhavani is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021″ as the title of “MOST INSPIRING TEACHER AWARD”
July 28, 2021
Pranesha Das-Classical Dancer-West Bengal-Magic Book of Record
Pranesha Das is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021″ as the title of “CLASSICAL DANCE AWARD”
July 28, 2021
Ms.D.Bhavani-Tamil Nadu-Magic Book of Record
Ms. D. Bhavani is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021″ as the title of “MOST INSPIRING TEACHER AWARD”
July 28, 2021

Dr. J. Madhusudhanan is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021″ as the title of “DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH AWARD”

Dr. J. Madhusudhanan- Tamil Nadu -Magic Book of Record
DR. J. MADHUSUDHANAN is awarded as “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD - 2021" as the title of “DISTINGUISHED RESEARCH AWARD” by MAGIC BOOK OF RECORD on June 04, 2021, in the field of Teaching.


Dr. J. Madhusudhanan is an Professor in the Department of Biotechnology, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation, Chennai and TamilNadu. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Madurai Kamaraj University in 1998, Master’s from Periyar University by 2001, M.Phil from Bharathidasan University by 2005, M.Tech from Sathyabama University by 2008 and PhD from Anna University, Chennai with thesis highly recommended by examiners.
He has twenty years of teaching and research experience both UG & PG level as Professor and has fifty three International and National Journal publications in peer reviewed journals, presented thirty one research papers in International & national conferences, received eleven Best paper awards in International conferences. He also filed a patent titled "Dual Delivery of gene and Protein using Poly-L-Lysine and Gold nanoparticles" in 2014 and the hearing completed and waiting for ization. He also acted as Biotechnology Board chairman for Anna University examinations from 2009 to 2018. Besides he is acting as Editorial board member, Reviewer for various International journals.
He received Best teacher award consecutively from 2004 to 2018 and received "Research excellence award" during the year 2020, "Best Faculty award-2021". He is also a recipient of "Asia Book of records" and "India Book of records" and also received financial grants from several organisations for carrying out the Research and Development (R&D) activities in the field of biotechnology.
He is life member of ISTE, InSc, IAENG, Soceity for Biotechnologists, Association of Indian Biologists, Institute for Engineering Research and Publication, International Association of Ayushpathi and fellow member of IFERP. His area of interest is not limited to Nano biotechnology, Genetic Engineering, Molecular Biology, Animal Biotechnology, Plant Biotechnology, Protein Engineering, Biopharmaceutical technology and so on. He has attended more than 26 International online webinars, 145 more National webinars, 15 more Faculty Development Program and attended 75 online pedagogy. He contributed a chapter in the "Thickest book in the world".
He also acted a passing board member in Anna University, Selection committee board member, Chief Superintendent for Anna University examinations from 2009 to 2018. Actively involved by acting as Doctoral committee member for Ph.D candidates for various universities.