Magic Book of Record

A Unit of


R Revathi Magic Book of Record
Dr. R. Revathi is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021” as the title of “BEST CREATIVE ARTIST AWARD”
December 7, 2021
Meghana T M Magic Book of Record
Meghana T. M is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021” as the title of “BEST CLASSICAL DANCER AWARD”
December 7, 2021
R Revathi Magic Book of Record
Dr. R. Revathi is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021” as the title of “BEST CREATIVE ARTIST AWARD”
December 7, 2021
Meghana T M Magic Book of Record
Meghana T. M is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021” as the title of “BEST CLASSICAL DANCER AWARD”
December 7, 2021

Diyanka Chakraborty is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER’S AWARD – 2021” as the title of “BEST ARTIST AWARD”

Diyanka Chakraborty Magic Book of Record
Diyanka Chakraborty is awarded “BEST ACHIEVER'S AWARD - 2021” as the title of “BEST ARTIST AWARD” by Magic Book of Record on 2nd December, 2021, in the field of Dance, Drawing, Art & Craft. It has been recorded in Magic Book of Record.