Magic Book of Record

A Unit of


June 24, 2022
Kiran Prakash Zarkar Maharashtra

Kiran Prakash Zarkar has set a World Record

The record for achieving First Patent and Honorary Doctorate Holder in the world as a Craft Instructor in Industrial Training Institute and Skill Development Institutes in the world was set by Kiran Prakash Zarkar ( born on 09-12-1984) of Solapur, Maharashtra.
September 20, 2022
Meera Kamalkishore Bung Aurangabad

Meera Kamalkishore Bung has set a World Record

The World Record for healing her daughter from cerebral palsy is created by Meera Kamalkishore Bung born on (8-23-1981) Aurangabad, Maharashtra. She is appreciated globally for making her baby Krishna Kamalkishore Bung a normal child and free from cerebral palsy.
September 20, 2022
Young Mountaineer Saanvi Sood

Saanvi Sood has set a World Record

The World Record for summiting the MT. Kilimanjaro highest peak of Africa (5,895 metre high which is located in Tanzania) by Saanvi Sood, a young Mountaineer (born on August 8, 2014) at Rupnagar, Punjab on July 23, 2022 at 12:08 pm at the age of 7 years, 11 months and 15 days.
October 20, 2022
Savitha Rani.M Aqua Queen

Dr. Savitha Rani.M has set a World Record

This record is for performing yoga on the water, on the occasion of International Yoga Day and Independence Day holding huge Flag while doing yoga on water by Dr. Savitha Rani. M, Bangalore, Karnataka.
October 20, 2022
Pallavi Patodkar Bodile Maharashtra

Pallavi Patodkar Bodile has set a World Record

The world record of teaching Biology continuously for 24 hours to multiple standard students is set by Pallavi Patodkar Bodile from Maharashtra state. It has been recorded in Magic Book of Record.
October 20, 2022
Hemantkumar Mahale Maharashtra

Hemantkumar Mahale has set a World Record

The world record for owning the maximum number of category awards by a film in one year was set by 'Kaali Maati' directed by Hemantkumar Vitthalrao Mahale (born on July 10, 1956) of Mumbai, Maharashtra. The film achieved 444 multiple awards in different categories in national and international film do of festivals including Best Director, Best Feature Film, Best Regional Film,
October 20, 2022
Dr Buddhadev Nath West Bengal

Dr. Buddhadev Nath has set a National Record

The national record for Practicing as Physiotherapist and Psychologist . Completed courses on Physiotherapy, Audiology, Psychology, Acupuncture, Counselling, Guidance, Nutrition, Health Education, Spiritual Health, Hypnotherapy, Industrial Hygiene, Community based Rehabilitation, Gerontology, Geriatric Care, Applied Biology, Human Resource Management, Hospital Management, Natural Language processing, Parental Education, Family Education, Wellness Management, Aromatherapy, Sound healing etc., is set by Dr. Buddhadev Nath from West Bengal state
October 20, 2022
Dr. Sajeev Dev Kerala

Dr. Sajeev Dev has set a National Record

The national record for sending different unique motivational messages to more than 1000 people through social media for the last 7 years (more than 2555 days) regularly, even during day of his father's demise, unexpected floods, and the Covid Pandemic situations. Congratulations are in order for Dr. Sajeev Dev
October 20, 2022
Dr. Indrajit Debnath Tripura

Dr. Indrajit Debnath has set a National Record

The national record for Secretary Sfata completed 100 number of Cobbler training programme and 300 number of EDP training on pottery sector and 350 number of bee keeping training since 2007 to 2021. He have given 2500 EDP and SDP training for welfare of the society, set by Dr. Indrajit Debnath from Tripura state.
November 21, 2022
Vidhi Shailesh Patel Gujarat

Vidhi Shailesh Patel has set a National Record

The National Record is set by Vidhi Shailesh Patel from Jagannathpura, Gujarat state for making largest soil painting with lippan art to tribute all Indian farmer with captions 'SAVE SOIL SAVE FARMER'.
December 2, 2022
Jiyaan Lamba Tamil Nadu

Jiyaan Lamba has set a Record Appreciation

The Appreciation for Reciting Backward Counting; Identifying countries on the map and Identifying numbers up to 200, Identified 1 to 5 tables upside down, Identified all Indian states and Union territories, Recited top Presidents and Prime Ministers. Answered general knowledge questions of India. Recited answers for small number addition and subtraction at the age of 3 years by Jiyaan Lamba (born on November 2, 2019) of Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu (currently living in Kuwait) has high IQ and has been young achiever.
December 5, 2022
Mrida Das Tamil Nadu

Mrida Das has set a National Record

Mrida Das from Tamil Nadu, India has Set a National Record for Maximum Number of Students performed Bharathanatyam Continuously & Simultaneously in 19 minutes 40 seconds