September 21, 2022
Maitreya Rudrabhayananda Delhi

Dr. R. Venugopalan is awarded as Lifetime Achievement Award

Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to Maitreya Rudrabhayananda (Dr. R. Venugopalan) from Delhi for his contribution in the field of Academician, Humanitarian work, Naturopath, Yogacharya, Educator, Teacher, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer, Spiritual thinker, Mystic, Author, NLP Trainer, Trainer of Trainer, Acupuncturist, Nadi Vijnani, Marmani, Astrologer.
September 21, 2022
Ganagalla Vijay Kumar Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Ganagalla Vijay Kumar is awarded as Vishishta Seva Ratan Award

Vishishta Seva Ratan Award is presented to Dr. Ganagalla Vijay Kumar for his contribution in the field of Social Work. He is a grassroots activist to fight against corruption, inflation, immorality, socialism. He cooperates in all religious educational, Political, Sports Upliftment of the society nation and human is very effective.
November 10, 2022
Kanhaiya Shastri Bihar

Kanhaiya Shastri is awarded for Seva Ratan Award

Seva Ratan Award is awarded to Kanhaiya Shastri from Bihar state for his outstanding contributions and remarkable works in the field of Motivational Speaker, Indian Spiritualist and Social Services.
November 17, 2022
Dr. K.M.R. Sai Andhra Pradesh

Dr. K.M.R. Sai is awarded “Global Icon Award”

Global Icon Award is presented to Dr. K.M.R. Sai from Andhra Pradesh state for his extremely superior knowledge and imagination in the fields of Astrology, Medical Astrology, Vaasthu, Smartha Agama, and Mantra Sastra.